Diva’s Challenge #122

Neue Woche, neues Glück. Die neue Challenge ist „Grid unlocked“ und ich habe eine Weile gebraucht, um zu verstehen, worum es dabei geht. Als ich nun gestern Abend Zeit hatte mich daran zu versuchen, habe ich wirklich Spaß daran gefunden und es nicht bei einem Bild belassen. ^^ Ich bin mit beiden nicht 100%ig zufrieden, aber es hat Spaß gemacht und darauf kommt es schließlich an – nicht wahr!?

This week Diva’s challenge (http://iamthedivaczt.blogspot.de/) is to use „grid unlocked“. At first I wasn’t sure how to use it but yesterday evening I had some time to try it and I have to admit – it was really FUN. So I actually made two. ^^ I’m not satisfied 100% but it was fun trying out new patterns and so I’m happy with it.

That was my first try.


And here comes the second one.


44 Kommentare zu “Diva’s Challenge #122

  1. For some reason your pictures do not show up on the blogpost, I had to save them to my computer in order to view them. Glad I did though, as your first tile in particular is beautiful! Love what you did with the grid and how it ‚dissolves‘ at the bottom and the way you added the other items around the edges 🙂

    • That’s odd. I don’t know what happened there because I added the pictures exactly the same way I did in my previous entries. Would do me the favour to take a look at my older posts? Can you see the pictures there?

      Thank you so much for the compliment! I was disappointed at first because my tangle seemed to be square again. So I decided to put patterns around the grid which are not square to prevent that from happening. I’m still not amazed but I do like that my strokes are more regular this time. ;o)

      Thank you!

    • Thank you so much!

      I can see both pictures but most of the time I just see a tiny version of it so that I have to refresh the page to see them in full size. Thanks for letting me know! 😀

  2. Both of these are just beautiful and really show how the grids that Maria drew change completely when you put them together. I love the way the top one looks at the bottom edges, and the string through the middle of the second one sets each section off beautifully.

  3. Wow! Both of your tiles are georgeous! I love them! I love how you took the squareness out of the tile. It worked and you made it look like it was supposed to be just like that. The second one is impressive too! Just wow!

  4. These tiles are great – I have no trouble in seeing them. The top one reminds me of a picnic blanket on a beach of shells and seaweed. Your line-work is so good.

  5. I think what makes the shading in the first one so effective is that you have cleverly stepped it out from the edge a little in each square…I really like that idea. Thanks for the inspiration.

    • Actually I have no clue when it comes to shading and I think I saw that kind of shading somewhere else. I thought that it was a very cool effect and so I tried it with this pattern so that it won’t turn too dark.

      Thank you so much!

  6. Both are really great–the first looks like a cute picnic blanket and I love the mix in the second! Makes me want to go back and play with this challenge some more…and I just might do that! Haha!

    • I’m working on a bigger picture right now and I just needed to use the grid I chose in the first one again. ^^ It’s so much fun and I’m curious how it will turn out on such a huge tangle.

      Thank you so much and have fun playing! 😀

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